Skills Badges

Community Cred

Community Cred - Level 1

Earn Community Cred points by "liking" other users’ comments or work, following other users, starting projects, and more. Participate and you will be rewarded with Community Cred.

Good Example:

You have earned at least 50 Community Cred points. That means you are making new connections and participating, giving feedback or contributing in other ways to the community of

Poor Example:

Not "liking" or following other users' work on DiscoverDesign

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Community Cred - Level 2

Good Example:

You have earned at least 100 Community Cred points. Congrats on communicating, taking action and contributing your thoughts and ideas to the larger community.

Poor Example:

Maybe you started communicating when you first signed up but have not taken action on projects or contributed your thoughts and ideas to the larger community.

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Community Cred - Level 3

Good Example:

You have earned at least 200 Community Cred points. What would do without you? You are interacting with peers, contributing your creativity and becoming a meaningful member of the community.

Poor Example:

DiscoverDesign needs your voice. Looks like you might not be interacting with peers, contributing your creativity or making meaningful contributions to the DiscoverDesign community.

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