Skills Badges

Hand Sketching

Hand Sketching - Level 1

Hand-sketching is one of the most universal and powerful techniques that a design professional can learn. You can carry a sketchbook wherever you go to brainstorm new ideas, and then use those sketches to communicate ideas before making models. More advanced sketches can be used throughout the design process, from “Brainstorm” to “Feedback”.

You have made your first sketches as part of the design process! Although you are not an expert yet, your sketches show that you are on your way.

Good Example:

  • You have sketched one or more images of buildings, furniture or design ideas
  • You may or may not have added a description

Poor Example:

Where is your basic sketch? Include it to earn this badge

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Hand Sketching - Level 2

Your sketches show that you are comfortable with sketching and are using them for “visual note taking” on the world around you. Even if you have only used sketching in one step of the design process, you are ready for this badge.

Good Example:

  • You have used sketching for brainstorming and/or taking inspiration from other buildings
  • Your sketches show originality and creativity, even if they lack specifics

Poor Example:

Sketches are very simple, showing that you have learned the basics but have not reached further

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Hand Sketching - Level 3

You are comfortable with sketching. You are observant and detail-oriented when taking notes in the real world, and you are using sketching throughout the design process.

Good Example:

  • You have made multiple creative sketches with details and annotations
  • You have taken inspiration from other buildings and images
  • You have included clear descriptive text with your sketches

Poor Example:
  • Sketching is used in just one phase of the design process
  • Sketches have been used for basic visual note-taking, but there is potential for more
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