1) Park Description :: Guidance, "A.1 Investigative skills: Ability to gather, assess, record, and comparatively evaluate relevant information and performance in order to support conclusions related to a specific project or assignment." - NAAB Student Performance Criteria :: In this section I will attempt to help the reader better understand the literal formatting of the chosen pocket park by describing the layout in detail alongside several photos in a non-verbose, concise manner (similar to programming). The aim of the following text is to establish a definite view of the park, so that later whenever I call particular structures into question, the reader can identify them with ease. I am doing so because it is in both my client and I's best interest. :: This is the precise section of the park I have chosen to vastly improve (A1); it includes 6 benches, 11 tables, 3 trash cans, a play area located within a sand pit, a swing with two seats, and a gazebo. The total area of the outlined region is 14,494.66 square feet. The closest entrance lies southwest of the park itself. The entrance starts first with a single path of concrete, which then splits into two separate directions, one leading to the seating and one headed towards the play area (A2). The seating arrangement due west of the recreational area contains four un-shaded tables lying in the grass (A3) (A4), a gazebo protecting four underlying tables plus two of the three trashcans (A5), and three other stray tables inside of my allotted territory (A6). Opposite of the seating rests the more interactive zone of the park (A7). The sand pit is completely surrounded by concrete sidewalk (a rotunda, if you will), and four of the six benches. The sand pit has a swing set (A8), and two recreational structures connected via monkey bars (A9). One of the mentioned recreational structures is protected from the sun by a tent-like covering that is propped above it (A10). For a more intimate perspective of my park, please feel free to examine the following photos: (A11-A22)


This is incredibly thorough! Would it be simpler to link to your gallery on deviant art? http://modus2015.deviantart.com/gallery/
Also, for ease of reading, a short description in the title of the image on the other site would be helpful. There's so much information that as a reviewer I have to go back and forth between the image and the description here. I think the text box on DD.org restricts urls, yet linking in the description itself would be simpler for you as well!

On a less technical note - am I looking at objects and arrangements that already exist -OR- decisions you've made as a part of your final design? Remember, we are viewing this chronologically, so explaining how these relate to your final design is important!

Thank you JG. The Collect Info phase, alone, took one whole week to complete! Looking back on the orientation of this section's display of information, I've realized how important it is to both the developer and the client. It is important to make the reading as simple and convenient as possible, instead of a confusing info dump!. Next time, instead of linking each individual photo, I may compile multiple photos into one infographic so that the viewer doesn't have to open a plethora of links! (the infographic would also include descriptions like you mentioned!). As for what's being elaborated in this section, the viewer is looking at objects and arrangements that already exist. Next time, I will try to explain how this relates to my design more clearly, aside from I previously wrote, "In this section I will attempt to help the reader better understand the literal formatting of the chosen pocket park by describing the layout in detail alongside several photos in a non-verbose, concise manner (similar to programming). The aim of the following text is to establish a definite view of the park, so that later whenever I call particular structures into question, the reader can identify them with ease. I am doing so because it is in both my client and I's best interest.". Thank you JG!