‘Nevada is one of the best states for wind power for two reasons: its abundant wind energy and its incredible wind incentives and rebates’ (Woodford, Chris. (2007) Wind Turbines). “Wind power can be thought of as a form of solar energy as heat from the sun causes wind to circulate on the Earth's surface. Wind can be harnessed directly to produce electricity when it spins the blades of a wind turbine, which drives an electric power generator” (Zev Korman). Knowing this information we can conclude, that a Wind turbine can help produce hydroelectric power to help power the turbines in the water fall. The next step is to find out the cost of having one turbine to power the park. According to, large commercial—scale wind turbines (750 kW up to 2 MW) cost approximately $1,400 per kW (or $1.4 million per MW) of installed capacity, credit to Nebraska Energy office.