This is the site plan for Park-itecture, which shows the vegetation layout. As I stated before, with the White Pine acting as a "natural" barrier it makes the space more appealing while also providing privacy for those sitting on the benches or just lying in the grass.


The overall plan is good, but couldn't there be more than just one way to enter the park without having to walk through grass or between plants?

I agree with the previous comment; an additional entryway would definitely be beneficial. In order to keep the natural aesthetic element and minimize the amount of concrete used, a path composed of flat rock or stone could be used instead of concrete.

In addition to this, I believe that the east and southern regions of the park are a bit too empty. Addition of benches and/or vegetation to either region would definitely benefit the park.

The plan is very nice and simplistic. I like how implementation of the gazebo as the center piece and the idea of a "living wall". I personally would have added more open space for anybody that wants to play sports at this part. Overall, great job!

Overall it is clear that you've put thorough consideration in the pathways as well as foliage placement as your plan is very uniform and clean. One concern would regard your "living wall" and it's exact purpose. I understand your intention in it being a structure primarily for aesthetic purposes, but perhaps you can reconsider its location and perhaps add more of these structures so that they have a greater function. For instance, use said structures to contribute to a seating area, or use it as a shade system. I just feel like your idea of the wall could be expanded into something more.