The final design for Blanket Flower Park included a courtyard with planters, a picnic area overlooking fruit trees and garden areas, a recycled storage container for shelter, bicycling racks, and recycling bins. Despite being a desert, there was a variety of vegetation incorporated including fire lilies, hibicus, apple trees, orange trees, and Japanese trees.


Your design is very good. I think your ideas for the park are interesting and worked very well in the overall design.

I like the distinct separation for each designated area. The floorplan is free flowing and parents can easily monitor their children. It's simple yet all at the same time unique.

The design in its entirety is very clean and orderly. The free-flow snailwhales mentioned earlier is great as well. Given that the setting is home to a large amount of sunshine, my concern would have to be how only a few areas have been attended to regarding shade. Because the areas that provide shade are restricted to the hideaway and the bike shelter, wouldn't there be increased traffic towards them both, thus omitting activity that is divided amongst the entire site? How would you go about solving this?

Great job incorporating the different areas! I like how the overall design and modern take will coordinate with the vibe that one gets from the are district!

Great job incorporating the different areas! I like how the overall design and modern take will coordinate with the vibe that one gets from the are district!

This all together is very beautiful! It's all so organized and very well planned. You have just the right amount of trees and they're selected very well. All the shapes going on is very intriguing. Nice job! :)

Features and the components in the park is outstanding, however, I personally would wanted more green space for the residents.