Caroline and Demauryo: Recent activity

SDesign a new school locker

Tressa16 commented on Final: Caroline and Demauryo

Add at least one picture under each phase.

SDesign a new school locker

dancingirl995 commented on Final: Caroline and Demauryo

reminder- change this one to deevlop solutions and then fix and put new one in final design

SDesign a new school locker

dancingirl995 commented on Project: Caroline and Demauryo

Ok, well the locker will be one of those taller ones...i can't remember the dimentions right off the top of my head but it is like the fuller one. Ok and homeless people cannot enter the school because the school is locked! And i have thought about the fact that someone could steel your ID card...but who would know where your locker is? And it teaches high school students how to be responsible for their things...hence id you loose your ID card then you have to go get a new one and you would have to prove that you were the person who "bought" the locker in the first place!

SDesign a new school locker

bicgrip commented on Project: Caroline and Demauryo

I like the idea of the locker going into the wall.

SDesign a new school locker

SDesign a new school locker

I Seymour Swag commented on Project: Caroline and Demauryo

If that locker was real we would be on mars with demario. Ths is not real. BUt is a good idea.

SDesign a new school locker

8566102 commented on Project: Caroline and Demauryo

Its just unreal i think. I as just speaking from a professional matter. I also would like to know how large this locker is going to be? THANKS!!!!

SDesign a new school locker

Tressa16 commented on Project: Caroline and Demauryo

Great description