The privacy and online safety of high school students using DiscoverDesign are very important to us. To protect your privacy, we limit the personal information we collect from you and publish on the website, and we do not share your data with anyone. Our policies are in accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
Using DiscoverDesign
You can try out design projects and lessons on this website without registering or providing any personal information. But if you want to upload your own projects to the website, or add comments or tags to projects, you must be over the age of 13. To do this you will also need to register for an account on the website.
When choosing a username, keep in mind that it will be seen by your teacher as well as architects and designers across the country. We strongly encourage you to chose a username that is both professional and speaks well of your creative work.
Do NOT use your full name or your email address as part of your username. We will review and may remove any username at our sole discretion.
When you register for an account on the website, we ask for some information. The required information is your username, usertype, password, date of birth, city, and state. We ask for your birth date to confirm that you over the age of 13. We do not ask for your phone number or home address. If you are using DiscoverDesign as part of a class, we also ask for your real first and last name so that CAF can work with your teacher and include your project as part of your classroom's set to be reviewed by design professionals.
We ask for your email address so that we can tell you when there are important changes or new features in this site. However, you do not have to give us your email address to view this website.
We do not make any of your profile information public on the website, except your username, city, and state. Neither your full name nor your school name will ever be displayed anywhere on this website.
We put a "cookie" on your computer to keep track of when you are logged onto DiscoverDesign. (A cookie is a small data file that indicates that you have been to a particular website.) Although we may provide external website links, we do not have any third-party cookies.
We do not share, sell, or rent your information to anyone.
Changing Your Password
You can change your password at any time. If you want to change your password visit the blue My DiscoverDesign tab near the top of any page.
Deleting Your Account
If you wish to delete your account, please email discoverdesign [at] and let us know: 1) your username, 2) the email address used on the account, and 3) the date of birth used on the account.
Contacting Us
If you have questions about this privacy policy or any other issue, you can:
email us
discoverdesign [at]
send us mail
Youth Education Department
c/o Laura Stamatkin
Chicago Architecture Foundation
224 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60604
312.922.3432 x232
CAF seeks to provide an environment where students, teachers, and architecture professionals can interact safely among themselves and also with their classmates, friends, and people around them.
Students under 13 years old are not permitted to create an account in order to comment on others' work and are not permitted to upload their own work. In addition, parents of students 13 years and older should consider whether their child should be supervised during his or her use of the site.
We need all users to report suspicious people and inappropriate content they may encounter on this site.
Despite CAF's safety and privacy controls, CAF cannot guarantee that its site is entirely free of illegal or offensive material, or that its users will not encounter inappropriate or illegal conduct from other members. Consequently, you may encounter such content and conduct. As a registed user, you can flag any comment as inappropriate. You are also welcome to write us at discoverdesign [at]
Where confidential complaints are made through this site reporting tool, we will use our best efforts promptly to remove the objectionable content or conduct and to warn or, as appropriate, to bar from the site those transmitting such content or engaging in such conduct, usually within 24 hours of receiving your complaint. Where a complaint is made by independent email to discoverdesign [at] CAF will seek to acknowledge receipt of your complaint and begin addressing your complaint within 1 business day of receipt. CAF will seek to report back to you within 3 business days of receiving your email complaint to inform you of the steps CAF has taken to address the complaint.
Always follow these important safety tips when using this site:
- Never share your password with anyone.
- Never post your email address.
- Be cautious about posting and sharing any personal information, especially information that could be used to identify you or locate you offline, such as your home address, telephone number, or a photo of your home.
- If you don't know already someone personally or through real world friends, never meet anyone in person that you communicated with online.
- Report users and inappropriate content or conduct that violates our Terms of Use.