
Think About:
1.) The purpose is to keep student’s books and other belongings in a safe and protected environment.
2.) Well in kindergarten we had cubbies and in elementary school we had no lockers. But since middle school nothing has changed.
3.) Personally I used to go to my locker two or three times last semester, but since most of my classes are in the same hall I don’t go anymore because there is no real need.
4.) Yes, administrators do have concerns about lockers. Some of those include that lockers can be opened easily if not locked properly, a majority of the times students leave lock the last number of their combination so they can open their locker quickly, but that defeats the whole purpose of the safety issue, and sometimes if someone plays with their lock while their locker is open it will lock so that you can no longer shut your door. Administrators also have a fear of what could be in a student's locker, for example having an old lunch that's gross or something that no teenager should ever have dealing with illeagl substances.
5.) The material depends on the manufacturer but it can differ between aluminum and steel.
Try This:
1.) Currently has…
-air slots
2.) Currently keep in locker…
-books and binders: needs to be kept organize
-jacket: when its wet I want to keep it from getting everything else wet
-gym clothes and shoes: keep it from stinking up the rest of the things in your locker
3.) Wish I could store…
-my “fat” backpack
-extra clothes, shoes, etc.
4.) Length of current locker
-length: 10”
-height: 27”
-depth: 13”
5.) Large measurements
-backpack: 12”x14”x13”
-books: 9.5”x10”x1.5”
6.) Width of Hallway
-not including lockers: 12.5’
-students at their locker add at least another foot
7.) Some complaints made by other students is the fact that there is not enough room and some of then store things they shouldnt...for example if you store a lunch and you forget to eat turns old and nasty.
8.) I liked that some of them seem like they have a lot more space than others do, but I didn’t like that some of them had some unique designs…I didn’t like them.