Overview Instructions

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Courtesy Studio Gang Architects

State the design problem and situation: Studio Gang proposal for Northerly Island

The problem is that this is an unused area and we're trying to figure out what to make of this area to appeal to the public as well as make it a green space.

Collect Instructions

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Discuss what makes the landscape special

Document the walk (notes, sketches, photographs)

5 sites- specific ecosystem and related animal habitats

o wetland
o woodland
o prairie
o savannah
o reef

Lily Jimenez's work for the Collect Information step:

I collected information by visiting the site, taking pictures, observing the environment, and discussing different ideas of what we could do to the site to make it appeal to the public as well as not
This is a picture of the big open available space that we had seen when we visited the site.
This is a picture of the shore and how it's currently not in use and around large rocks,...
This is a picture of the map of our site.
This is a model of our site and here we all chose a part of the site or parts of the site that we...

Brainstorm Instructions

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Courtesy Studio Gang Architects

Discussion options for nature centre and sign up for a program

Brainstorm large aerial photographs of the site to develop locate the program on the site


Lily Jimenez's work for the Brainstorm Ideas step:

I brainstormed ideas by doing a couple sketches on my sketchbook, making models and experimenting with different materials.
This is a picture of the model I made, the purpose of the model wasn't for it to be the my...
This is an imagine of a couple of my sketches.

Develop Instructions

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  • Construct a volume out of of a cardboard kit of parts.
  • Volumes introduce scale and space and is a tool for laying out the plan
  • Use Volumes to locate the programs decided (scale 1 cm=1m)
  • Each group has a clear Urban Plan for their site and each student is assigned a specific architectural program for that site


  • Photograph the models (exterior / interior)
  • Add sketches for green innovations and environmentally friendly elements- use text to describe how sustainability is integrated into the design plan.
  • Collage: “feeling” that design will evoke- use text to describe the feeling that is evoked and how it is evoked through design
  • Sketches about how to use light- use text to describe the how light is used.
  • Write out the program requirements for their site creating a list and drawing
  • Draw and collage a sectional / elevation view of the site using models and photographs as a guide

Students will build a frame of their model

Lily Jimenez's work for the Develop Solutions step:

The student did not provide any content for this step.

Final Instructions

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Courtesy Studio Gang Architects

  • Use study models to build a scale model of their designs
  • Use a scale photograph
  • Use the large scale model and group model site as a guide to make decisions and understand impact of the design- Write up analysis
  • Place the completed model on the group site and bring the pieces together
  • Highlight: pathways, lighting, benches, garbage bins, trees, roadways
  • Take photographs and write up the text to describe your site’s design and how it connects with the larger model
  • Reflect on the process and post URL and Reflection to iRemix site

Lily Jimenez's work for the Final Design step:

The student did not provide any content for this step.

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