Overview Instructions

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Courtesy Studio Gang Architects

State the design problem and situation: Studio Gang proposal for Northerly Island

Originally I'll project was about building a bridge for my brother was grabbing the bridge the base of the first day are problem was basically really connected to the mainland and also have a research center for Marine biology . The first problem in the bridge design was a major I had to build a TwinBridge which is basically also another way is pretty much a double-decker bus that was the the idea . The problem is figuring a way to connect
Both bridges without comprimizeing the structure. and trying to make safety precautions to the under water bridge so you can observe peacefully .

Collect Instructions

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Discuss what makes the landscape special

Document the walk (notes, sketches, photographs)

5 sites- specific ecosystem and related animal habitats

o wetland
o woodland
o prairie
o savannah
o reef

posiedon 21's work for the Collect Information step:

We went to the northerly islands to collect info about outside by observing the area and all the possible possible angles for a project design there will be various designs all over the site, includ
The whole idea of this photo was to basically just capture an image for a bridge with it like I...
I will be building a bridge to the island, so they can get to the mainland with the bridge that...
The reason why this photo was chosen is because this area is where the bridge will be built.
This area of the map is decided that we have been given we will be doing various projects in...
The bridge will serve as a way to travel spot to get from and to the mainland and the island.

Brainstorm Instructions

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Courtesy Studio Gang Architects

Discussion options for nature centre and sign up for a program

Brainstorm large aerial photographs of the site to develop locate the program on the site


posiedon 21's work for the Brainstorm Ideas step:

The idea for the bridge was originally my uncle's Design. The idea For the lights Was my teacher, ms Hamm's idea.
The idea of the bridge is to make it feel like you can get comfortable, and observe the marine life...
The whole idea is to observe the marine life without disturbance, so I plan to make little pods...

Develop Instructions

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  • Construct a volume out of of a cardboard kit of parts.
  • Volumes introduce scale and space and is a tool for laying out the plan
  • Use Volumes to locate the programs decided (scale 1 cm=1m)
  • Each group has a clear Urban Plan for their site and each student is assigned a specific architectural program for that site


  • Photograph the models (exterior / interior)
  • Add sketches for green innovations and environmentally friendly elements- use text to describe how sustainability is integrated into the design plan.
  • Collage: “feeling” that design will evoke- use text to describe the feeling that is evoked and how it is evoked through design
  • Sketches about how to use light- use text to describe the how light is used.
  • Write out the program requirements for their site creating a list and drawing
  • Draw and collage a sectional / elevation view of the site using models and photographs as a guide

Students will build a frame of their model

posiedon 21's work for the Develop Solutions step:

Originally I had three problems with the bridge.the way I solved these problems were by making a simple. Design, then making accurate modles to make sure the information I gathered was correct
One of the solutions was adding windows to give natural light to save electricity because natural...
Another solution Is that The materials of the bridge Are 100% Organic And Recyclable Materials For...
Another solution was the way the shape of the sections under water for maximum space

Final Instructions

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Courtesy Studio Gang Architects

  • Use study models to build a scale model of their designs
  • Use a scale photograph
  • Use the large scale model and group model site as a guide to make decisions and understand impact of the design- Write up analysis
  • Place the completed model on the group site and bring the pieces together
  • Highlight: pathways, lighting, benches, garbage bins, trees, roadways
  • Take photographs and write up the text to describe your site’s design and how it connects with the larger model
  • Reflect on the process and post URL and Reflection to iRemix site

posiedon 21's work for the Final Design step:

Final design Is a white bridge with wholes and an observation sections under the water
This is a bridge that can allow people to Observe And travel To mainland From the island. By doing...
The Whole point is to observe marine life in the best way possible with out disturbing the marine...
For the final design I decided that the way to get to the observation sections you would have to...

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