Redesigning my bedroom: Recent activity

MRe-Design Your Bedroom

salreynolds commented on Brainstorm: Redesigning my bedroom

How big do you want your new room to be? Hint look up the standard size of furniture that you want in your room. Example
single bed = 3' width x 6'-4" length
Dresser = 1'-6" width x 5'-0" length
Night Stand = 1'-6" width x 2'-0" length
Sofa= 3'-0" width x 6'-0" length
Desk & Chair= 3'-0" width x 5'-0" length

Add the width of furniture together that you are going to use on a specific wall example below
South wall = night stand 1.6width Single bed = 3.0 width and another night stand 1.6. So my total width for the south wall should be a minimal width of 6'-2" to fit your furniture.

MRe-Design Your Bedroom

salreynolds commented on Collect: Redesigning my bedroom

Great! Step in explaining what you want out of your room. How will you get what you desire out of your room?

MRe-Design Your Bedroom

salreynolds commented on Collect: Redesigning my bedroom

great problem to start redesigning your room. How will you fix this problem? Are there any other problems?