Mix-use building.: Recent activity

LCommunity Building: Reimagining My Block

isaiascencio98 commented on Project: Mix-use building.

I choose a lot in the location of 3309 W 55th st Chicago. It is a barren lot that contains small patches of grass. Around the lot there is a variety of small businesses, including a small super market, a laundry-matt, flower shop, liquor store, and several small restaurants. Two blocks away there is a middle school and high school. I believe that placing a mix used building with a youth center and art studio would be beneficial. When I found the lot I looked around the area to see what the necessities would be. I saw a n abundance of small buildings ranging from small restaurants to a laundry matt. My first thought was a gym but on 6551 s Kedzie ave theres is already one located and on 55th and st Luis there’s a park. I believe that a youth center would help the ward because of the munber of schools in it including Hernandez and Solorio. There’s an abundance of kids and I believe having this place would be a good place to educate them of the dangers of drugs (there has been a rise of meth use), sex safety and other serious issues that trouble the youth of today. I plan to have a layout with an array of tables so if needed the youth can do their homework or a project. Older kids could volunteer with assisting the younger kids and get service hours for doing so. The building will have two floors on the top floor there will be a set up for an art studio. Ward 16 has a lot of things but not an art studio, it would be a great addition because people are diverse in their interest. It wouldn’t be anything to advanced just simple art lessons and sculpture lessons. The art lessons wouldn’t be given every day so it wouldn’t be too much to hire an art teacher. As for transportation you can take the 55th bus heading towards midway or the 53a heading towards st luis.