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Curie's schools library is due for an update. There are many things that should be fixed that would benefit the students. Many students that enter the library go to use the computers but the computers always seem to be full. Another problem is that sometimes the students can't go look for some books because there are other classes are in the media center area. That is another major problem, other classes enter the media center and the teachers don't know how to control their students and they all end up making a lot of noise and don't let the students trying to do their homework focus on what they are doing. Some students also go to the media center to read or just relax but there aren't many books on display that you can read and the space is too small. At the beginning of freshman year there were many books that one could check out but now on my senior year there are less books on the shelves.
I plan to fix these problems by adding more computers on the media center. They should move the classes that are on the media center somewhere else and the media center should use that space for people to read or just relax. The school should have a fund raiser or an event to raise money for books in the media center because many would appreciate them.

Collect Instructions

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Gather more information about your existing school library by taking photos, sketching, conducting interviews, and doing additional research.

Think About:

  • What are all the different functions / activities that currently take place in your school's library?
  • Do you enjoy working and reading in this room now?  Why or why not?
  • How is the library different than a typical classroom?
  • When you study at home, where and how do you read? (On the couch, on the floor, on your bed, outside, at the kitchen table, at a desk in your bedroom?)  Could similar comfortable places be designed for your new school library?
  • Will you redesign the interior of your existing school library or will you build a new addition for these spaces?
  • How do students collaborate around technoloyg with other students?  Where do you do this now?
  • In what ways could your school building become a small community center for residents after school hours?

Try This:

  • Take photos of your school's library, the media center, the study hall, or any other space where students are hanging out.
  • Measure the overall size of your school's existing library.  Is it crowded now or does it have empty space?
  • Measure the number of linear feet of book shelves in your school library.  Ask the librarian if they feel your library should contain more or less space for bound books?
  • Take photos of where students are studying at school - either independently or in a small group - throughout the school day.
  • Ask your school's administrator about any types of community groups that may already use your school building in the evening.
  • Interview your school librarian and several classmates.  What do they think about the existing library?  What changes would they make if they had a choice?
  • Make a list of all the different functions / activities that currently take place in your school's library.
  • Make a list of all the things you like about your library.  Ask several friends and your teachers their opinions.
  • Several new public libraries have opened recently around the world.  What can you learn from these?  Investigate... (links to come)
  • Some of the most impressive historic libraries provide an awe-einspiring place to learn.  What can you learn from these?  Check out...(links to come)

HUMBERTO's work for the Collect Information step:

These are some pictures I took of the media center.
This is the entrance for the media center. The door to the far left is the entrance and the one on...
These are extra computers. The problem is that the students that enter the media center are not...
The books that are on the back are the ones that are available. Some of those books are not allowed...
The are in the back is the area where you can read. But as you may see there is not much space for...
This is a picture of the back of the media center. There are many computers that students could use...
This is are survey questions i did. 1. Half of the people that I asked felt comfortable and the...

Brainstorm Instructions

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Develop preliminary sketches to help you puzzle through new ideas and solutions.

Think About:

  • Many libraries just have rows of book shelves and a few tables and chairs for students.  But is this the best way for students to access, learn, and share information today?
  • How does collaborative learning occur in a library?
  • How can you provide both quiet and noisy learning spaces in a library?
  • Does the library have a separate entrance so community groups can enter/exit in the evening without having to walk through the entire school building?

The library will need to include four big types of spaces and furnishings:

  • a reading room / study loungue (tables with computers, chairs, couches, etc)
  • book storage and a circulation book check-out counter (shelves, work counters)
  • librarian's office and workspace
  • meeting rooms (tables, chairs, technology options)

Try This:

  • You'll need to decide where will this new library be located in your school.  Are you redesigning the exsiting space or building a new addition?
  • Walk around the exterior of your school building and take photos of your existing library and / or a possible location for a new library addition.
  • Use Google Maps to view and print out an aerial photo of your school.  Identify a location for the library.
  • Contact your school's building or maintenance department.  They may already have a floor plan of your school to use as a reference.
  • Sketch bubble diagrams to figure out the spatial relationships between the various rooms and spaces in your new or redesigned library.  Which spaces will be next to each other?  Which spaces should not be next to each other?
  • Make lots of sketches to get your early ideas down on paper.  Learn from each different idea.

Your design or redesign of a new library might include the following types of sizes of spaces.  These are just suggestions.  Feel free to revise this and incorporate other spaces you think may be needed.

Library space planning rules of thumb:

space 800
students in your school
students in your school
students in your school
students in your school
Reading Room / Study Lounge with computers
square feet
square feet
square feet
square feet
Book storage and book check-out counter
square feet
square feet
square feet
square feet
Librarian's office / workroom 120
square feet
square feet
square feet
square feet
Meeting rooms 1 room at
250 square feet
2 rooms at
250 square foot each
3 rooms at 250 square foot each 4 rooms at 250 square foot each
TOTAL 3,170
square feet
square feet
square feet
square feet

HUMBERTO's work for the Brainstorm Ideas step:

These are sketches of some of the ideas that I have for the media center.
This is a sketch of my first idea for the media center
This is my second idea. I switched the tables and the couches from the first place I had them. I...
This is a sketch of one of the walls where the computers are going to be.
This is a simple sketch of how I imagine the table section to be.

Develop Instructions

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Now's the time to take what you've learned from the steps above and develop your own solution for a new or redesigned library.

Try This:

  • If possible, build a rough physical study model of your library.  You can't really understand the building's shape until you make a quick study model.  Don't worry about making a fancy finished model at this time.  Instead, use cardstock, scissors, and tape to quickly create a large 3D form.  See how it looks.  Break off different sections, add new pieces, and try out new ideas.
  • Take a photo of your model and upload it to your student user account here.
  • Sketch or use software such as Google SketchUp, AutoCAD, or Revit to get your ideas out of your head to share with others.

HUMBERTO's work for the Develop Solutions step:

This is the process that it takes me to make my media center.
This is the floor plan for the media center.
This is the media center with the computers in place.
This is the media center with the books and the plcae to read added to the previous work.
In the bottom right side of the media center is the community center. It is where people from the...
In this image I pit more desk for the students, a special room for the staff so they could have...

Final Instructions

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HUMBERTO's work for the Final Design step:

These are final pictures of the media center.
This is my final floor plan for the media center.
This is where you can relax and read peacefully. I put comfortable couches and many books of your...
This is a view looking North East to the entrance. It is where all of the computers are going to be.
These are the tables that are going to be in the media center. The ones in the back are the ones...
These are the books that will be available to check out for the students.
This is the floor plan of the media center before.
This is a floor plan the class used for a class project. This is the librarie's floor plan...