2013 national competition project | Library Redesign #041


I collected information by observing my school library while in use by actual students. As I analyzed the room a few problems came up. I noticed that the library was pretty crowded and hard to navigate through. I also noticed that there are only a few computers (about 9 to be more specific). I this day and age you pretty much need a computer to complete your homework and other school assignments. My current school library is not all that comfortable either. It has wooden rectangular tables and hard chairs. The one thing I did appreciate about my school library was that it is easy to get help (front desk) and it has a plethora of textbooks, fiction books, nonfiction books and various other books other various genres that not only appeal to high school students but can be necessary for homework and projects as well. All things considered, I would say that my current school library caters more to practicality than appeal to students. I want to redesign my library so that it is comfortable, appeals to students, and has an abundance of computers.