
Think About
1. The purpose of a school locker is to store books, bags, and other things so you don’t have to carry them around.
2. We didn’t have lockers in elementary school so we had to carry everything. In middle school we had to use lockers and it kept us from carrying too much. I do not use a locker now.
3. I do not have a locker.
4. Yes, lockers sometimes are easily opened if not locked correctly. Sometimes students leave the lock on the last digit which lets other open them.
5. Lockers are usually made up of metals and sometimes and plastics.

Try This
• Our lockers currently have three hooks at the top, air slots, and preinstalled locks. We can store our books, bags, coats, spare shoes, and our lunches in our current lockers. All of these things need to be kept dry and neatly placed. Lunches need be kept warm or cool. We wish that our current lockers could store possibly a mini-tv, gaming console, microwave, refrigerator, and also have a place to store pencils and other school materials.
The lockers at Butler are about 25.5 inches tall. The depth of the locker is 13.5 inches and 1 foot wide. This is enough space to store our belongings. Our book bags are about 19 inches tall, 11 inches deep, and 11 inches wide. Binders can be about 1.5 inches thick, 11.5 inches tall, and 10.5 inches wide. Textbooks are around 9.5 inches long, 10 inches high, and 1.5 inches deep. This means that all of these things can be stored , but they will take up all of the space available in the lockers.
Students across the US are complaining that their lockers are too small to store all of their things. This results in them having to carry around things that don’t fit which eliminates the purpose of a locker. Current lockers are made of usually metal or plastic. We liked that metal lockers were very durable and they last for a while. We didn’t like that athletic lockers ruined privacy through their diamond shaped air slots. We liked that some lockers had a keypad in which we type in the pass code to open the door. We also liked that plastic lockers were resistant to water, most common chemicals, and mildew.