Redesign Your School Athletic Pavilion | 2014 National High School Architecture Competition #197


With the help of my peers, I began my Collect Info process by compiling the sources necessary to formulate a clear understanding of the factors that distinguish my site, including climate conditions and property limitations. The information gathered has helped in formulating a clear understanding of the area and in developing my ideas for the pavilion. Numerous factors arose through this research that I must not forget to consider when modeling my edifice.

Crucial factors to consider:

-Flooding effects on the pavilion. (Current facilities are inaccessible in extremely rainy conditions and snow)
-Accessibility from main building and main roads. (Current facilities require students to walk a distance of approximately 480 feet to gym and are not accessible to major traffic)

Included in these sources are numerous site maps and studies that will allow the viewer to see the reasoning leading to my final product and easily embrace the High Tech atmosphere.