
Necessary cafeteria functions:

Needs to seat about 300, including the outside, to make just one lunch.
Has to have a storage space that is more efficient.
Needs to have bathrooms.
Needs to have a student store, closer to the cafeteria.
Places for microwaves, and toppings.
Water fountains.

Current problems with the cafeteria space:

Too crowded
Not enough space for a lunch line.
Too many kids for just one register.
Small area for things like microwave and others.
Little space for kids.
Lunch room is shared with the school offices.
Bathrooms are small.
Very little room to sit outside, and no protection from outside environment, when eating outside.
Too noisy to study and do others, need a quite space.
Need a computer lab if just in case students need to finish something on the computer.
Kids don’t have the same lunch time.
Grades are split apart because of the separate lunches.
Nowhere special for seniors (dogs of the school.)
Have to go to another building to get student snacks

The possibilities of what the cafeteria space could be:

It could be roomie
There could be a place to mess around, and a place to study, and a place to eat outside.
There could be a teacher’s lounge outside.
A private place for seniors only.
Student snacks can be in the same building.
More bathroom stalls, for more students.
No offices taking up lunch space
Less time in line because of two registers.
Shorter line and less crowded.
Tall roof to make it feel more open.
Computer lab for people to work quietly.