volumes of vinyl crib


I collected information by drawing a floor plan of my room, evaluating what items it held, and by documenting what worked and what did not work in the space.
Room inventory:
-1 couch from iea
-1 desk from ikea
-2 loft beds made of wood
-2 built in bookshelves
-two globes
-one laundry basket
-desk chair
-television (mounted)

What works:
-bookshelves are functional and ascetically pleasing
--working loft bed
-good window location
-closet location works well

What doesn't work:
-storage loft takes up too much space, blocks lighting, and makes the room feel cramped
-t.v takes up space and is an eyesore
- flooring is outdated and unattractive
-closet door doesn't work because it open outward into the room and is bulky