
The location that I chose was 5235 S. Trumbull Avenue. This location is perfect for my pocket park for several different reasons. For one thing, the lot is wide, not thin. This makes it a good spot for children to run around in. It can be more aesthetic, too because if the lot was long and thin, a lot of stuff would be cluttered together, or have to be put sideways. Also, there are a lot of residential homes nearby. This makes the pocket park safer because with that many homes nearby, I doubt that anyone will come looking for trouble. Any person on the block could call the police, and have the troublemaker arrested. Crime is actually not a concern for this neighborhood because it is such a small street, and not much traffic comes through here. Also, there are several trees nearby, and I could plant more. These trees provide natural shade, and a creative way to include more apparatuses into my park. The only disadvantage is that I would have to take apart the fencing to build a new, aesthetically more pleasing one, and one that is square, not a partial square, like the fence currently is. This is merely a construction problem, though, and it is easily solvable.