Lockers Designed for Artists


I want to focus my new design on lockers specifically for artists. As technology continues to evolve, I also wanted the designs to accommodate laptops, tablets, and smart phones. A common issue with current lockers is storage, and I wanted to make sure that the new lockers had lots of it. To start brainstorming, I looked at my locker and thought about what I liked, and what I thought could be improved. I liked that my current locker had a box shelf for personal space and a few hooks. However, I think it is extremely narrow and hard for me to fit my backpack and winter coat inside with all of my stuff. I made a list of things that need to be in my locker, and what accessories I want to go with those objects. For example, I keep my phone in my locker and it would be great to have an outlet to charge it. I would also love to keep art supplies inside. But, to do this, the paints, pastels, and pencils need to be kept away from my books and school supplies because they may be wet. If this is the case, they would also need to be kept away from the outlet. These are the kinds of things I recorded to start brainstorming.