
The purpose of a school locker is to house extra things whether for school or an extra-curricular sport. It's a hassle to carry all your things around, especially in High School, with all the binders, notebooks,papers, and projects due. It allows students to be more efficient and organized throughout the day.

The way I have seen lockers change since Kindergarten has changed with my age really. When you are younger seeing all the "cool" High School kids using their lockers you really wan to have one. Locking mechanisms have also evolved but can be limited to when the school was built. Short of water or natural damage, lockers usually don't get replaced. Newer schools will have better and higher quality lockers while older schools' lockers may need some "tuning up".

I open and visit my locker around once every two days depending upon assignments due and overall workload. My classes also revolve and switch so that weighs heavily on my decision to visit my locker or just carry a little extra throughout the day.

Teachers and other security figures can have problems with people putting forbidden objects in lockers. The locker isn't see through for other safety reasons like privacy, but students can house drugs or weapons in them. This is a relatively small population of students in comparison to the school size but these few students can have a major impact on the school.

Our lockers are constructed of some sort of aluminum alloy for ease of manufacturing and practical purposes. There is no need for High School students to have iron lockers. They also have to stand up and be transported into the school itself which is why aluminum is a good material.