Redesigning Our Classroom: Recent activity

MRedesign your classroom

Mr Conrad commented on Project: Redesigning Our Classroom

Hello IELF and Co. I am very impressed by the English you have used in this overview- there is some very nice use of passive tenses and third person, formal writing. Keep it up!

I can see you are thinking a lot about how you can improve the area already, and you have some great ideas. Remember to keep an open mind until you have completed your research- who knows what information you will get from the other students and teachers, and the other sources you will be looking at. The first part of your success statement is good because it is more general. Do not make assumptions as to your final product though- how about `the space will provide a comfortable and relaxing environment so the students can feel at home in their learning environment', for example... this means you can look at different ways of achieving this rather than restricting yourself to a coffee machine etc. How about a Starbucks???