
Brainstorm Ideas:

- This classroom should consist of a cool green and blue colors that represents the colors of Geography. The theme would consist of the world, where there would be a map on the ceiling of the room.

- The redesign with lights of the classroom will be very efficient to the eyes of both the teacher and the student as in the current scenario that is not the case.

- The furniture that will be present within our redesign are curvy chairs which are suitable for the students when they are seated. In addition to this, their desks would also be suitable for every single student with an adjust knob. With this adjustment, students can therefore set the height and the width our their respective table when arrived to the class.

- The technology that will be present within our redesign is the efficient number of tablets for every student in the classroom. Along with this design, there would be an option to link the tablet with their pairs when doing group assignments.

- The floors and walls in our redesign will be pleasing to the eye of anyone who comes inside of the classroom. We would include textures that are smooth and very resistant to stains or spills.

- Finally, our classroom would completely change the existing classroom as our design will consist of futuristic elements and new features that have never seen before within a classroom. Our design will take up every aspect of the existing classroom with an extra room for the entrance area so students do not get crowded going through one door.