
while we were collecting information, we decided to redesign the biology room classroom in St. A. We have collected information which were the dimensions of the room and we also interviewed the teacher and student for what changes they would like in the room. The room had too many desk cramped up and the room was very crowed, the room was dull with no room as the teacher and student stated. The room was very characterless and needed a huge change.We interviewed Mr. B he said "The room needed more colour, and more space so students can have easier circulation to move around the room". The students opinion of the room was "The room was very dull and needed more characteristics, it should also be more futuristic."

The dimensions of the room is: width is 28ft and length is 35ft. The changes we are willing to make is to put more colour to make the room pop, futuristic furniture, make the room look bigger and have more space, and to design the room into a workable learning environment for both students and teachers.