2013 national competition project | Library Redesign #118

This is a section form study that I 3D printed.


Well done. You collected good information / case studies. Glad to see case studies with good uses of natural light. Your three sketches allowed you to explore and develop ideas. I would have liked more descriptive information from you at the developing solutions stage or at least at the final stage. Your final floor plan was well drawn (thank you for showing the existing building) and the 3D model was exciting to see and gave a better overall understanding of your design. I recommend that you provide more explanation on your design choices and also draw in the tables and shelving within your plans as they are an integral part of any library. Next time, think about your redesign in context and show elevations with your building as it sits next to the existing school buildings. Also since lighting was a goal for you, it would be nice to see a final sketch or a section drawing of the windows as it relates to the indoor open space. Overall, nicely done just explain it better (via words) next time.