A vital part of re-designing of any part of a school is to hear opinions of the people who use and supervise it. I interviewed various Senior Varsity Team Captains, including track, hockey, soccer, swimming and cheerleading captains. In addition I interviewed various faculty who either currently use the athletic facility for their own use or coach one of the teams at the school. Finally I interviewed the Head of the Athletic Department to learn how the department is run, and what his thoughts and feelings are about the current facilities. In summary everyone said the facilities did their job, however they all agreed the facilities were out of date and are in dire need of being updated. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qACUB23a_o8RSWDK9OP2uFA2eIaWFgdb0t26jRviF-4/edit?usp=sharing


Wow this is very impressive! It looks like you got a lot of great input from various people. It will definitely help you narrow down your ideas and get a concept going.