Redesign Your School Athletic Pavilion | 2014 National High School Architecture Competition #197

Provided above are some rough sketches of possible ideas for my pavilion. In hopes of embracing the rough, industrialist-ic nature of the neighborhood, I chose to keep my structure fairly simple. I am in the process of designing some sort of unique, but understated feature that will also embrace my concept of DNA. As pictured in the sketch on the left, I hope that the structures will not only be aesthetically appealing, but will also function as the primary source of ventilation for both floors of my pavilion. In the bottom-right-hand sketch I am debating the materials and texture of my pavilion's exterior. Although these sketches are remarkably rough and underdeveloped, they allowed me to visualize my ideas and clearly understand what areas I should focus my thinking around.


This is great work! I like how you weave your concept in with the structure and also consider the industrial area currently around it and draw inspiration from it. I also like that you thought about how the focal structure could be used both aesthetically and functionally (ie ventilation).