Redesign Your School Athletic Pavilion | 2014 National High School Architecture Competition #2

SUSTAINABILITY: Stained Glass: plays an important role . It enriches the spaces by letting in natural light and framing our views, and it can also be an architectural focal point in its own right. Light is the most important interior design element in any home and commercial. If you doubt this, walk into a room and close your eyes. That’s how your interior design looks without light. Light brings every other design element into perspective, from architectural details and decorations to all furnishings. I decided to used half of the buildings because natural light is so important that we could not live without it. It is essential if our bodies are to produce crucial vitamin D. In fact, twenty percent of the U.S population suffers from a lack of natural light, manifested in the condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Studies have shown that students do better when their classes are held in natural light. There is no way to do without natural light. Such is the power of the sun. Low-E Coated Glass: Coated with a microscopic layer of silver that reflects radiant solar energy while permitting visible light pass through the glass, providing more comfort and lower energy cost.


I agree that light is one of the most important elements of any design. Would be great to understand how you plan to utilize the windows in your design to take advantage of the abundance of light - and in the case of Las Vegas, also shade.

What other building materials do you plan to use and why?