For this model I choose this type of structure to make it a little less ordinary and make the house look a bit more elegant. The house consists of 4 containers but due to the house model the containers were cut more to make more out of it and make it look like there was more than 4 used. The bottom would have a living room and kitchen and a bathroom with a dinning room as well maybe one room if enough space. The since flirt will consist of the rest of the rooms and the windows will be wide if there's enough room another bathroom and the top will be a padio with a balcony so that they can walk on the roof if they want to and inside will just be a table with chairs and maybe an extra fridge and bathroom if it's that big and then outside there would be a little fire place for when they wanna camp there will also be a room where they can store some things just incase they don't fit with them or something.