One of the highlights of the park, the chess garden, not only is a place for strangers to challenge each other to a friendly game of chess in a desert minded, but a place for everyone to gather and take a seat in the shade provided by the weathered corrugated metal and various shade trees in the planters.


I love your seating! It's the most amazing this I have seen on here. I would absolutely go to your park. I like the fact that it is mostly concrete rather than just grass. Not all parks have to have grass.

Very creative usage of natural materials in a semi modern park. It ties the entire thing together

This area of the park is so interesting. I like the way you used concrete structures for your seating area, specially the ones in the center.

Instead of having this area oriented toward ONLY chess, why not have this area be expanded as a sort of quiet zone with other activities because the only activity noticeable here is the chess.