This entire park will be obscured from view of the street by high walls of vines. There will be four entrances which will be large arches in the wall, 2 of which will lead directly into the gazebo just off of Garces ave and 6th st.The other two will open on views of a garden area. Entrances are indicated with red circles in the image.


One of the most powerful features to the design of this park is the focus of intimate spaces. By locating the entrances not directly in front of the heavily used streets, both noise pollution and unwanted sight of passing cars is mitigated. The gazebo however, is a phenominal use of using shade to create spaces that are smaller than they seem in person. The use of vines as well is also a fantastic idea, one which breaks up the monotony of the concrete structures which are so common in urban areas, such as where this site is located.