Simple desert plants and bright low maintenance plants. Bright colors would make the park stand out and the desert plants help create a balance of color. (Left to right) * Carnegiea gigante- “The King of cactus" also known as Saguaro are one of the oldest and biggest cactus. They live to be over 75 years old. * Yucca aloifolia- beautiful green plants with narrow leaves. * Lantana montevidensis- are short shrubs that come in white, gold yellow, and orange and yellow. * Russelia equisetformis- are desert shrubs that have bright green weeping branches and coral red tubular flowers. *Agave parryi- like a gigant artichoke, it is a light green. * Ferocactus cylindraceus- brown short cactus that grows slowly *Gaillardia aristata- are similar to sunflowers but these has three lobed yellow and red petals that attract butterflies and birds. * Bigelows monkey flowers- five petal flower that range in pinks and some purple. * Desert blazing star flower- bright small yellow flowers that have five narrow petals. Looks just how it is named. * Parkinsonia - Green trees that are thornless and have a longer blooming perio. The tree provides nice shade. *Echinocactus- also known as golden barrier cactus is great for Las Vegas because fact that it doesn't need a lot of water.