I incorporated everything in order to create an oasis. The park has an area where one can relax by some concrete steps that have planters in order to help the concrete cool down. There is also an area where people can sit ans eat, the picnic tables. There is also a place where people can sit and relax, which will be known as the center". There is also a bike shelter, an area where bikers can keep their bike out of the sun. Finally, there is a playground where kids can go and have fun.


How will this space be beneficial to the workers in the nearby attorneys' offices?

I actually see where the attorney's or workers nearby may find this park appealing. The steps in the corner could serve as space for them, I know I've seen similar step areas used as workers eating areas before. And they go well with the style of your park so well done.

A missing element is some kind of barrier. Parents with children will want to see a fence, whether natural or artificial to keep children from running into the street.