http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_1Bz3R7Z1eM8/TC-60MY1L1I/AAAAAAAAAFI/TESrlC0Uhj0/s1600/Stage.jpg A similar stage with a higher platform to provide storage underneath and curtains to have a backstage where actors can prepare before performing. The stage will be placed at the back of the room and will have a changing room to the left where students can get into costume.


I think it would help your group if you collect more images of drama rooms at other schools. One or two images probably won't help a lot. See what other images you can add. I would also like to get some ideas on where you are going to go with colour, flooring etc......What type of atmosphere will this room evoke by the students that use it?

This picture of the stage is great but it looks very dull. It would be good to see other inspirations that you look at to design the room. Also, the idea of having a backstage is a little odd for a drama classroom. I don't really understand the need for a backstage since there are washrooms fairly close to the room and storage rooms within the drama room itself. I just think having a backstage is unnecessary for a drama classroom. It just gives the students and teachers more areas to have to clean up.