2012 national competition project #164 | cafeteria redesign

This is the floor plan and a video of the whole renewed cafeteria.


Nice! Make sure in your final design presentation that you are very specific in stating how you solved the problems you identified early on. The video says a lot, but make sure you address those "boring" nuts and bolts also. Overall, very nice work. Congratulations!

I am an architect in Chicago and I served on the final jury of the competition. Your entry was one of the best submitted from the entire country. Well done.
I really enjoyed your process, from researching the existing conditions through a final solution. You have recognized that efficiency of space, logical use paths, and providing services in appropriate quantities and location are keys to a successful project.
It is wonderful that you considered alternative seating offerings as well as a better way to service the crowds of students and staff. Your video fly though at the end is also really well done.
A few ideas you might consider in future projects. As most of the viewers may be unfamiliar with your school, it would be helpful to provide diagrams, plans and key in the photos so that we can all understand the existing context. This is especially true in your case, where you are reusing the shell of the existing cafeteria. Adding simple colors to indicate new and old construction, and some before and after diagrams of how the space is improved would go a long way to convincing the viewers of the viability of your concept. It does not have to be overly complicated – simple, color arrows, numbers, etc… will convey the existing issues.
Regarding the use of the animation, it is a fantastic technology – again, be sure to keep in mind that your viewers will not be as familiar with the project. Set up slower shots and even a few places to pause. Quick movements back and forth can be disorienting. Including some scale figures would help illustrate how big the spaces are.
You have clearly done a tremendous amount of work and you should be very proud. Keep up the good work and best of luck in the future.