international community design

Here is the top view of our cafeteria. The stage and tables to the left, the bathrooms at the top, and the serving area to the right. we set it up with so much space in the middle because as of right now, with our cafeteria, during lunch the students waiting in line to get their food are clashing with the students sitting at the table. we expanded so that we could separate the two areas. we gave the bathrooms multiple stalls instead of the two we have now.



how can the hexagon on the right side be used to benefit the student body, or is it still under construction? Overall, it looks good so far. And I agree with Rebecca, how are you going to solve these issues?

Rebecca Knox - Urban Fusion

Is there enough seating for the majority of the student population? How have you implemented the solutions to the current problems with the cafeteria: insulation, lack of ventilation, not enough seating, lunch lines interfering with the seating ares, etc.

I like the idea of a stage. That would be extremely useful!

We are using double plex windows to absorb heat to keep it cool and vise versa. We have put seating outside for others who like to sit in the quad. as for the luch lines it is more like a cafe set up multiple people at the registers and the line up is far away from the seating kind of an "island" as we call it. But thank you for the feed back very useful.
-Amanda Russell, ICD, Director of Interior Decor Design

For the seating you also have to think about when the rains come during winter and spring and how or even where the kids will be seating since there isn't enough space inside the cafeteria. Also adding murals to the cafteria would be a better idea so people can enjoy some art.
-Daniela Guzman, Urban Gold Team, Director of Landscape.

Mario Lancellotti-EIS
You have a great idea but wouldn't it be more convenient to the students if the eating area had the tables spread out a bit more?

We have made a storage area behind the aquarium which can store many tables and chairs so seating won't necessarily be a problem because if it does rain the tables and chairs can be taken out from storage. As for the spreading of tables they are spread out about 5 feet on sketchup just that the image make it seem that the tables are so close together. Thank you all for the suggestions and comments.
Melissa Gonzalez-Director of Exterior Design