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LRedesign your school Cafeteria | 2012 National High School Architecture Competition

zhardy commented on Final: 2012 national competition project #031 | cafeteria redesign

Hello, I'm one of the jurors for the competition. I enjoyed your thoughtful review and consideration of the issues you experience with your school's cafeteria. The utilization of the under-used courtyard is a wonderful solution. The addition of a second floor for seating with views of activity below is also compelling. I would have liked to have seen your design show more of the existing overall school building, and how your design works with the flow of students around campus. For your next design project, for your exterior spaces, don't forget to consider shading from the sun (Revit can throw sunshine on your model for your particular latitude at any time of year - a great tool.), as well as the inclusion of landscaping (trees, lawn, planters, etc). Good luck to you!

LRedesign your school Cafeteria | 2012 National High School Architecture Competition

zhardy commented on Collect: Improved School Cafeteria

Hi! I'm a juror for the competition. Have to say that your information gathering was thorough and really gave me a good picture of the existing conditions. You have excellent writing skills, as well.

LRedesign your school Cafeteria | 2012 National High School Architecture Competition

designprofessor commented on Final: 2012 national competition project #031 | cafeteria redesign

Overall, this student has great skill with Revit! Nice renderings and the overall design is sensible. I also like how the student placed healthy foods at the front of the food service area to encourage healthier eating, good thinking!
In one of the other final design images I commented to eliminate the wall that currently separates the kitchen from the eating area. I think that wall is problematic with its openings for students to pass through and it sounded like from the student's research, that other students found that existing space problematic as well. So I suggest the student designer eliminate that wall. That would open up the space a lot. My other suggestion is to incorporate windows into the walls which would bring light into the space.

Nice work!
I hope that helps-

LRedesign your school Cafeteria | 2012 National High School Architecture Competition

designprofessor commented on Final: 2012 national competition project #031 | cafeteria redesign

These are great Revit renderings! However in terms of design, I suggest that the student/designer eliminate that wall with the openings entirely and make this one large open space. As the student initially suggested, as it exists currently, it sounds like this food service/kitchen area is generally cramped and the wall openings where students are expected to pass through are confusing. As it is, this wall acts more like a barrier, causing traffic jams, than a physical, architectonic 'facilitator'.

LRedesign your school Cafeteria | 2012 National High School Architecture Competition

kato13 commented on Collect: Improved School Cafeteria

This is a nice court yard. I think it would be a good idea to have picnic tables with color on them for students to eat. We have a big court yard but were not allowed to be out there unless your a senior to eat outside only during lunch time.

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