Sam.22's Account

MRedesign your classroom

WafaBaqri commented on Brainstorm: Operation Break a Leg

This looks like a good stage, but I think that you guys should consider something that is more permanent because it takes a lot of effort to move boxes around and it would also cut time in terms of performances and teaching since much of the time would be spent on putting the stage together. In addition to that, it the boxes are of low density, are there any risks of them not being able to support the actors?

MRedesign your classroom

interiorteach commented on Brainstorm: Operation Break a Leg

Last time I checked, rubber doesn't smell that great either. You will have to check sources and find out the environmental impact of this type of product. Also, if there is no furniture in this space, would the students be sitting on it????? Can't imagine that it would be very comfortable.

MRedesign your classroom

interiorteach commented on Brainstorm: Operation Break a Leg

Would help to collect more inspirational resources of drama classrooms. The one you chose is great but a bit grandiose for the room you are working with. It will be interesting to see how you incorporate this in your final design plan.

MRedesign your classroom

interiorteach commented on Collect: Operation Break a Leg

If room next door is no longer used for drama, could it be utilized for storage, change room or some other purpose???

MRedesign your classroom

interiorteach commented on Collect: Operation Break a Leg

As mentioned to the other group doing the drama room , you will have to get creative with how you will re-use the masks and posters in your new design. They are faded, old, dusty etc.....

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