Lburnell7's Account

LDesign a Container House

leslierobinson7 commented on Brainstorm: Storage Container House

Nice sketch! Other ways to prevent summer sun from going into your space are shading devices.

LDesign a Container House

leslierobinson7 commented on Develop: Storage Container House

The 3D model is great! I like the efficiency of the space. I do not see where the front entrance to the container house though.

LDesign a Container House

jaysean125 commented on Collect: Storage Container House

This is the perfect location for photo shoots and stuff like that, as long as you keep the area clean and organized. - Andrew Stolper

LDesign a Container House

jaysean125 commented on Collect: Storage Container House

This is just the coolest mini storage trailer ever built! Although making this would cost a lot, I still would like to try it. - Andrew Stolper

MDesign a food stand for a site around your school

before129 (not verified) commented on Project: High Point Watermelon Stand

It should be durable and made with high grade material that can stand heat and cold outside. - BentleyForbes

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