DavidT6C's Account

MRedesign your classroom

pmjoanes commented on Project: David's Pocket Park

You need to describe your reasons for the park, and your clients more. Grade 15

LDesign a Container House

pmjoanes commented on Final: Container House

No renderings, incomplete elevations.

LDesign a Container House

pmjoanes commented on Brainstorm: Container House

Where are your sketches? Also, there's no summary

MDesign a Bus Shelter

pmjoanes commented on Develop: Bus Shelter

This is your final structural design grade, 15

MDesign a Bus Shelter

pmjoanes commented on Brainstorm: Bus Shelter

Where are your sketches? Grade 12

MDesign a Bus Shelter

pmjoanes commented on Collect: Bus Shelter

Good pictures of possible locations for your shelter. But, you need to have more then one possibility for inspiration. Grade 15

MDesign a Bus Shelter

pmjoanes commented on Project: Bus Shelter

You need to upload a cover/title photo for your shelter.

MDesign a Bus Shelter

pmjoanes commented on Project: Bus Shelter

Not enough explanation here for the Bus Shelter. Why? Is this shelter necessary? Explain why. Grade 10

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