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LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

JG commented on Collect: Royal Park

Thi sin formation is very valuable! You could include it as part of your summary and then upload images of the site that you took, inspiration images you've sourced, or scan in any notes or observations you've made. The collect Information step is the place to scope out the site and all the potential options. Decisions start coming together in the Brainstorm step.

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

ghlyon1 commented on Project: Royal Park

The basic concept: two areas for two different kinds of interactions is a really good idea and the birds' eye view was a really thoughtful layout.
I would loved to have seen development and careful work in each area; it was hard to follow the thinking and decision-making process in this project.

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

AtechKaz commented on Collect: Royal Park

Include info graphics for future designs so you can better explain your ideas. Research evidence should also be included to justify why certain ideas need to addressed within your project. It will better sell your ideas and allow for the viewer to understand your reasoning behind a certain design.

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

Procind_design commented on Final: Royal Park

Its good that you thought about the kids and they playground area. I think having two play grounds sets its a great idea and its better. The sets could be used by different age groups, one could only be used by toddlers the other by bigger, older kids.

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

423445 commented on Final: Royal Park

May adults have extra fun there too? It's great that you put more than one playground. Kids have more options. Usually playgrounds are swarming with munchkins and this would let them have a chance at the slide or whatever it is that your facility has to offer.

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