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LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

FaithInMe commented on Final: La Bonita Park

After a year, I had to come back to this extravagant plan! I love the futuristic look of the floating car, who knew cars could fly these days? I still think the ocean view gives great contrast to the van. Nice job ;)

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

jbanwart commented on Project: La Bonita Park

I love the typography and signage in your park. I think that gives it a very cool contemporary feel. I think that if you had done some more brainstorming (or shown more evidence) your design would seem a bit more intentional. Without knowing the specific area and details of this site, it's tough to chose what to put into a park. Great job and keep up the good work!

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

jbanwart commented on Collect: La Bonita Park

These sketches are a little more developing solutions than brainstorming. I would love to see more inspiration photos and info on the actual site itself to help you learn about the space and it's options before you design it.

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

Alf commented on Final: La Bonita Park

Having a design that fits well into it's space is an equally important facet to having a great design, and I think you've done both well! Incorporating both the corner and the two street faces into the parks design was a good decision.

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

Alf commented on Develop: La Bonita Park

In this step of the design, make sure to show not just want you'd want to put in your park, but just how you'd do it.

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

Alf commented on Collect: La Bonita Park

Did you find any other useful elements you wanted to employ in your park other than this shelter? It would be great to see more of your inspiration under the collect info tab.

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

Scxtt commented on Final: La Bonita Park


LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

snailwhales commented on Final: La Bonita Park

Nice walkways! There is a bunch of room for your park visitors! I do think you need a little bit more trees that way people will have shade away from the hot Vegas sun.

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

M.Z.Z commented on Final: La Bonita Park

I think a rendering of an aerial view would have been a good idea to add in your final design.

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

Lizeth123 commented on Final: La Bonita Park

I think one sign would have been enough. Four signs makes it feel a bit overwhelming.

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