CarlosJR27's Account

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

pmjoanes commented on Develop: Pocket Park

There's still nothing uploaded to the final design tab. Grade 0

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

pmjoanes commented on Develop: Pocket Park

You should have uploaded something today to the Final Design tab. Where is it? Grade 0

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

carlosJR27 commented on Develop: Pocket Park

you could've told us this when we asked you if it was good

LPocket Park Design | 2015 National High School Architecture Competition

pmjoanes commented on Develop: Pocket Park

You need paths from the homes to the sidewalk. Grade 18

MRe-Design Your Bedroom

pmjoanes commented on Collect: Bench stuff

You have the summary in the wrong place. You've didn't identify the location for your bench, and there's not enough sources for your bench inspiration. Grade 12

MRe-Design Your Bedroom

pmjoanes commented on Project: Bench stuff

Nice description of the bench, and it's purpose. But, who decides the important dates it will display?

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