Mira Loma HS Library Re-Design


Our design came together by incorporating our brainstorming ideas into it. We sat down together and decided how and where to places everything we wanted inside our building and how exactly we wanted the outside to look.
Director of Exterior Design, Daryna Kulinich: Originally the exterior shape of our building was designed to be a sphere. As we incorporated more and more ideas, our final design came out to be an egg shaped building. A wide foundation makes the building stand firmly and high winds are no danger. The buildings walls rise high above the ground and we are using bulletproof glass for safety purposes.
Director of Interior Design, Zina Mudrenko: Initially, we were going to design our building with only two floors but then we added the third. The first floor is made up of the main entrance with the librarians office and a print shop. We also designed lots of book shelves. The second floor has a balcony for students to enjoy fresh air. We also designed staircases in between the floors. The third floor has open space and a half opened roof where people can sit outside and eat , read, or work on their projects.
Director of Sustainability and Energy, Roman Grom: The exterior of our building is mostly made up of reflecting glass which will cool down the temperature inside the library during the summer. For the winter, the gap in the library roof will get covered with glass that will slide out.
Director of Landscape Design, Kate Khramtsova: Recycling bins will be set up all around the building to support the environment. Recycling for both paper and plastic. Water features such as drinking fountains will also be set up with easy access.
Director of Interior Decor Design, Mariya Svityashchuk: The indoor seating areas are located on both second and first floors. On the first floor there are no tables, just love seats for silent reading by the bookshelves. The second floor, however, has seating in the computer lab room and the two meeting rooms. The book storage will be in the librarians office. The checkout counter is located in the middle of the first floor. The third floor also has seating but its outdoor seating since our third floor is partially in the open.