
The information was collected using data on the 89101 zip code.

The area of 6th Street and Garces Avenue is surrounded by law offices and a business-centered community. The majority of the 89101 zip code has an average age around 21. Although 16% of people are unemployed, more than 60% have a high school or college education. The majority of people spend 5 minutes to half an hour commuting to work by their own means of transportation. Almost 100% of people are employed by a private company, and the main occupations are law enforcement, law, and health related professions. The community is predominately Hispanic, with African Americans and Whites making up the rest of demographics.
The site is also in close proximity to the Federal Courthouse, U.S. General Services Administration, and the U.S. Export Assistance Center. Each federal building is within walking distance to the proposed site for the pocket park. The park would help relieve the stress caused by government affairs in each respective building.
According to the Las Vegas Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services and the Nevada Division of State Parks (within Las Vegas), there are only 3,072 acres of recreation for the total Las Vegas acreage of 86,921 (North Las Vegas adds an additional 859 acres of recreation and a total of 64,861). The total population of Las Vegas according to 2014 City Park Facts was 596,424 (North Las Vegas adds an additional 223,491). In Las Vegas, there are only 5 acres of park land per 1,000 residents. The acreage in the downtown is significantly lower than for the rest of the Las Vegas valley. In addition, there are only 1.9 park playgrounds per 10,000 residents.