Drama Room: Recent activity

MRedesign your classroom

Thurishaa17 commented on Develop: Drama Room

I really like the idea but i think the big LED screen is unnecessary in a learning environment. It can also create a distraction to the students in that classroom. I think you can use the smart board of a projection screen instead of a very expensive LED screen.

MRedesign your classroom

Jaggi103 commented on Develop: Drama Room

I extremely like the idea of having acoustical paneling around the stage because, some people who are shy or natural quit can project their voices easily so that everyone in the room can here

MRedesign your classroom

Jaggi103 commented on Develop: Drama Room

The idea of having high intensity & efficient pot lights is a great idea. However, the Bluetooth option seems redundant because, you can just simply install a dimer switch to get the same desired feel from the lights and I'm pretty sure that if you get the same high intensity and efficiency lights without Bluetooth it would also lower the cost of the lights

MRedesign your classroom

Jaggi103 commented on Develop: Drama Room

I like the idea of having a big LED at the back of the class room, it seems really cool. However, if you think of this logically having a big LED screen is unnecessary because if the main point of having the screen is for backdrops you can just have a simple projection screen and project the image onto that. But in all it seems like a dope idea.

MRedesign your classroom

Sam.22 commented on Brainstorm: Drama Room

This picture of the stage is great but it looks very dull. It would be good to see other inspirations that you look at to design the room. Also, the idea of having a backstage is a little odd for a drama classroom. I don't really understand the need for a backstage since there are washrooms fairly close to the room and storage rooms within the drama room itself. I just think having a backstage is unnecessary for a drama classroom. It just gives the students and teachers more areas to have to clean up.

MRedesign your classroom

interiorteach commented on Collect: Drama Room

I realize that Ms. L. wants to keep the masks and poster memorabilia so you are going to have to get very creative with how you will utilize it in the room. From my experience those things are really old, dusty and faded. YIKES!!!!!!!

MRedesign your classroom

interiorteach commented on Brainstorm: Drama Room

I think it would help your group if you collect more images of drama rooms at other schools. One or two images probably won't help a lot. See what other images you can add. I would also like to get some ideas on where you are going to go with colour, flooring etc......What type of atmosphere will this room evoke by the students that use it?

MRedesign your classroom

interiorteach commented on Brainstorm: Drama Room

Be sure to credit your source for each of your photos. (Miotto)