2012 national competition project #008 | cafeteria redesign


Although the redesign of the cafeteria can venture in numerous directions, I believe that my design will solve the many problem evident in the Tech Cafeteria and create an efficient, green, and comfortable environment for students.
- I have decided to keep the 3 entry doors and 4 exit stairways as it does not pose a problem. Although lines can occasionally be long, students are able to quickly swipe their I.D. cards to enter the cafeteria.
- 12 seat lunch tables and 10 seat circular tables will accomdate the needs of housing more than 1000 students during each lunch session
- In order to utilize the unused spaces, I have decided to relocate and SGO Store, Club room, and lunch station. Because the SGO Store and club room holds no direct connection, separation of these rooms is not an issue. Doing this will also free up more space to place tables
- In order to encourage students to throw out their trash, each lunch area will have their own designated trash area.
- The center section will have an outdoor space with tables and benches
- In order to minimize students from cutting lines and time spend on line, I will implement a new traffic control system.
- A card swiping system will be implemented to fasten the pace of the lunch line.