2012 national competition project #008 | cafeteria redesign

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Welcome to the 2012 DiscoverDesign National High School Architecture Competition!
These are the instructions for entering a design project in the competition.

Design Challenge Background
Cafeterias are often dark and crowded. They are uncomfortable and unhealthy.

Design Challenge Brief
The challenge is to redesign your high school cafeteria and re-think how your school’s cafeteria should, or could, function asas a healthy eating space. What does a cafeteria look like that is designed around a person’s needs?

You may redesign the interior of the existing cafeteria space, expand on the existing space, or design a completely new addition on to your school building. Your design should contain all the spaces and functions required for a typical school cafeteria – a variety of seating options for students (inside and out!), as well as a food storage, space for the kitchen, outdoor eating spaces, serving areas, and places to pay for the meal. You should also consider sustainability issues and the environmental impact of your design.

The student cafeteria at Brooklyn Tech is located on the building's seventh floor. It is known to students as an overcrowded and unorganized space. Students must swipe in to enter amongst large crowds and long lines. The orientation of the four lunch stations often create traffic and disrupt circulation. However, positive aspects of the cafeteria includes it's H-shaped layout and location. I envision a free flowing cafeteria with better utilities and a new outdoor space for the students to better enjoy their lunch period. This design will create a modern dining area where students can easily enter the lunch room, relax, and enjoy their meal.


Nicely composed overview that describes what works,what doesn't, and what you goals are to improve and or solve the issues.

When describing your goals as an Architect, always try to address all the issues mentioned in the architectural program statement. Your overview would have been a 10/10 if you made a point to address the other goals of the program; sustainability and creating spaces that encourage health eating.

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In the Collect Info step of the design process, you try to gather as much information as possible about your existing school cafeteria, along with the students and staff who will use it.  You can't propose new solutions until you figure out and document what the existing problems are.

Try This

  • Walk around the interior of your school building and take photos or a short video of the existing cafeteria. You can upload those photos or short videos here. Be sure to write a detailed description for every image.

Think About

  • How many students need to be seated in the cafeteria during one period?
  • What types of furniture is used in the existing cafeteria? Does it need to be movable? Why or why not?

Try This

  • Interview students, cooks, and other staff about what they think of the existing cafeteria.  What changes would they make to spaces if they had a choice?
  • Make a list of those features that you really like about how your cafeteria looks and functions.
  • Make separate list of all the ways that your current cafeteria is not so well designed (chairs may be uncomfortable or the light is poor, or there are really great outdoor eating areas).

Try This

  • Take measurements of the overall dimensions of your existing cafeteria.
  • Take interior photos of the hallways and entrances that lead into your existing cafeteria.

Think About

  • What are the different pathways that students use to get into the cafeteria now?
  • What types of food are available in your cafeteria? How are they stored?


Try This

  • Visit Flickr or another photo sharing site and search for other types of cafeterias to determine good and bad examples of how cafeterias accommodate user’s needs, especially teens.

Think About

  • Does your new school cafeteria need to look like the same typical cafeteria with long rows of tables?  What other eating spaces around the world are inspiring and interesting?

tpun5189's work for the Collect Information step:

The seventh floor cafeteria in Brooklyn Technical High School is around 1750 sq. ft.
Lack of accessible trash areas result in students piling their garbage on lunch tables.
The lack of a reserved main trash area leaves trash bins blocking walkways, disrupting circulation...
Many of the smaller sections in the Tech Cafeteria is left unused.
The opened center sections of the Tech building exposes a spectacular view of the 8th floor roof...
Long lines and lack of efficient traffic control systems often block pathways in the cafeteria....
Official floor plan of the Seventh Floor.

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In the Brainstorm Ideas step of the design process, you put some early ideas down on paper that show what you've found in the Collect Info step.  You also might take more photos to show specific new ideas you have. 

The simple diagrams you make here will help you understand how the existing cafeteria location and design compare with your new ideas.


Try This

  • Walk around the exterior of your school building and take photos of possible locations for your new cafeteria with outdoor seating.

Think About

  • Will this cafeteria replace your school's existing cafeteria or become an addition to a different part of the building? Will it be built in an empty lot or space?  Will it be underground or built on the roof?  You decide.

Try This

  • Use Google Maps to view and print out an aerial photo of your school. 

Think About

  • Spend some time looking at the aerial photo of your school.  What types of other buildings surround your school?  Homes, businesses, parks, parking lots, or an empty field?  How will these other buildings impact the design of your new library?
  • What types of streets surround your school? Are they busy or quiet?     

Try This

  • On a piece of tracing paper placed over the aerial photo of your school, sketch a diagram showing a large arc around the building to show the path of the sun throughout the day.  This drawing is called a site analysis diagram.  (Remember, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.)
  • Draw other lines on this diagram to indicate the best views around the building.

Think About

  • Based on the site analysis diagram you've sketched, where is the sun located throughout the school day? 
  • How can the indoor and outdoor seating areas of your new cafeteria be positioned to take advantage of the sunlight for good lighting?

tpun5189's work for the Brainstorm Ideas step:

To ensure that I can design an efficient cafeteria, I created a list of main points of focus. - Capacity: the lunch room must be able to hold more than 1000 students at a time
After analyzing the floor plan, I highlighted the perimeters in which I could work within. I also...

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In the Develop Solutions step, your rough ideas come together with drawings and models that can show others your solutions for a new cafeteria.

Important! Since DiscoverDesign is about investigating the design process, the other people viewing your project - other students around the country, your teacher, and the competition judges - want to see how your ideas have changed over time. This means that while you're working on your digital model, you’ll want to be sure to keep re-saving it with a new file name every few days as you work through the steps.

Try This

  • Draw a sketch or use software such as Google SketchUp, AutoCAD, or Revit to illustrate your ideas.  You can upload photos (JPG files) from your SketchUp model, video fly throughs (FLV files) of your SketchUp model, or drawings (DWF files) from AutoCAD.


Try This

  • Make sure your cafeteria includes the following types of spaces and furnishings.
    - indoor seating area (tables, seating)
    - outdoor seating area (tables, seating)
    - food storage (shelves)
    - cook desk (place to check out)
    - small office for kitchen staff
    - bins for recycyling


tpun5189's work for the Develop Solutions step:

Although the redesign of the cafeteria can venture in numerous directions, I believe that my design will solve the many problem evident in the Tech Cafeteria and create an efficient, green, and comfor
Card swiping system will enable students to quickly swipe their student I.D. cards on lunch lines....
Card swiping system will enable students to quickly swipe their student I.D. cards on lunch lines....

Curious about the instructions for this step of this library design problem? >>

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The final step of the design process is to create more finished drawings that illustrate your ideas to others. Remember, your explanation text, and the types of drawings, images, and models you share need to tell the whole story of your project to someone who may or may not have ever visited your school.

You might want to share floor plans, elevations, renderings of your digital model, photos of a physical model, or a video animation of your model.

Continue to collect feedback from your peers, teachers and the online community to help you improve on your final design. Be sure to review and add constructive comments on the work of other students who are solving the same design problem. If your ideas change, be sure to explain your thinking and let others know about the new work you have posted to your account.

tpun5189's work for the Final Design step:

The final design evidently shows the new design solutions.
The four new lunch stations containing the new railing system and salad bars on the side, creating...
The new SGO store furnished with modern selves and glass tables.
The new outdoor spaces with visual connections to the roof top gym facilities directly above will...
walk through