Redesign your school cafeteria | 2012 National High School Architecture Competition


Excellent graphics! Great job of describing your solution utilizing both 2 and 3 dimensional media. I'm disappointed my computer wouldn't allow me to experience the fly-thru! The floor plans and views clearly show how you've addressed circulation, freed up usable space, created outdoor spaces that are visually connected to the interior using large expanses of glass, met the seating capacity goals, and communciate the scale of the space. Nice job.

Its said a perfect drawing needs no words and the lines communciate everything. You almost pulled it off but I think the drawings, at least the floor plans could have communicated even more with some notes describing all your great ideas so the solution is completely understood. Did your scheme consider any additional sustainable features other than natural daylighting? I think some planting? maybe a green roof? composting? recycling? may have been something to consider.